Honkies in Kimonos update

...Yes, the Yukata was donned, just like in the video!

The fireworks festival was splendid fun, all in all. There was little wind so the smoke did not clear between fireworks, making visibility difficult, but also adding an interesting soft effect. Here are a few photos...

(click to enlarge)

See the full photo set on flickr.

Since the Amagi Fireworks festival, was one of the first events I attended after I arrived last summer, it made me very nostalgic to be back again at the same riverbank, now understanding it in a completely different way. Just like last year, we went under the bridge where I met the new OISCA people.

Hard to believe I've been here a whole year! Frankly impossible really. It always seems like there is so much I don't yet know-- and yet comparing myself to the new batch of ALTs who just arrived, even those whose Japanese level surpasses me from years of college study, i realize how far I've come and that I've learned a lot in Japan.

When I arrived last summer, I was basically an infant. I couldnt even take out the garbage for fear that I would not sort it correctly. It was a very frustrating experience for the first few months with no predacessor, no local community, and little help from my Supervisor, but I feel like over the course of one year, I have really come into my own.


Ryan said...

Here's to another good year!